Hi everyone! We are the Pascie, a committee with six enthusiastic Di-Et-Tri members, who design gadgets that every nutrition student wants to have! Examples of our beautiful Di-Et-Tri gadgets are sweaters, a Dopper bottle, a mouth mask or socks. Every year we release some new gadgets for a real good price. Couldn’t get any better, right? To offer nice gadgets, we really value the opinion of all Di-Et-Tri members. Therefore, we use polls on Instagram to ask everyone their opinion about our designs. When we have made a decision, it will be in the Foodflash (so keep a eye on the Foodflash for the newest gadgets!). Do you have a great idea for a future gadget? All ideas are welcome! Let us know via our email (

The PasCie consists of: Bente van Dijk, Laetitia Koen, Judith Meulman en Melissa Schuman