Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question? Maybe you can find the answer to your question here! 

How do I become a member of Di-Et-Tri?

  1. Go to the website diettri.nl
  2. Click on ‘Become a member or donor!’
  3. Go to ‘Subscribe’ and click on ‘Sign in’
  4. Fill in the registration Forms

Note! It may take some time for your account to be approved since this is done manually

When you registered for Di-Et-Tri, you do not yet have an account for the website. This is how you can make an account for the website:

  1. Go to the website diettri.nl
  2. Click on ‘Log in’ in the upper right corner of the website
  3. Click on ‘register’
  4. Fill in your personal information
  5. Click on ‘Create Account’

Note! It may take some time for your account to be approved since it is done manually.

How do I create an account for the website?

  1. Go to the website diettri.nl
  2. Click on ‘Log in’ in the upper right corner of the website
  3. Click on ‘register’
  4. Fill in your personal information
  5. Click on ‘Create Account’

Note! It may take some time for your account to be approved since it is done manually.

How do I unsubscribe from Di-Et-Tri?

If you want to unsubscribe from Di-Et-Tri, you have to send an e-mail (with the announcement that you would like to unsubscribe) to the following address: penningmeester.diettri@wur.nl

Note! It can take some time to confirm your deregistration, since this is done manually.

How do I register for an activity?

  1. Go to the website diettri.nl
  2. Click on ‘Log in’ and fill in your login and password
    1. Now you can register by going to ‘Register for activities’ tab on the upper bar and selecting the activity you want to join. There will be a short form you have to fill in. Afterwards you are all set!

How do I deregister for an activity?

  1. Go to the website diettri.nl
  2. Click on ‘Log in’ and fill in your login and password
    1. Deregister by clicking on the ‘Overview signed activities’. Over there you can find a pencil symbol (behind the activities you have signed up for) which can be clicked on. Doing so will deregister you from the activity.